Cutlery Safety:
Because Forking Around Isn't Funny!
From "Spoon Sense" to avoiding a grizzly bear attack to surviving wheelie bin entrapment, safety expert Ian Crawford has the answers you never knew you needed.
All NEW FRINGE SHOW for 2024:
"Accidental Pop:
Now That's What I Call Safety!"
As seen at the Edinburgh Fringe and coming to a venue near you soon.
See Ian Crawford at a comedy club near you: Live Gigs
Have you done your safety training?
Get in touch before it's too late.
Comedy nights Festivals - Weddings Corporate events Radio - TV - Netflix - Hollywood
Fish & Chip Shops
"The brilliant cutlery obsessed health and safety campaigner Ian Crawford…
What a delight this well-realised, obsessive character is!"
- the British Comedy Guide (BCG)
Contact Ian Crawford - before it is too late!
Forking good
"Forking good health and safety-based comedy has tears rolling down cheeks"
"This is a must-see show for anyone with a strong sense of the ridiculous"
"It is a well-honed performance that is, above all, good, silly fun"
Podcast & Social
"This is a show to truly fall in love with and laugh a lot while doing so."
©2021 by Ian Crawford.